Publishing Advice · Writing Tips

Why Similar Ideas Shouldn’t Deter Your Writing Journey

As aspiring writers, it's not uncommon to find ourselves overwhelmed by doubt and hesitation, especially when we stumble upon a book that seems eerily similar to our beloved WIP. In fact, this happened to me recently. I had 20,000 words of a story written and a full outline when I started reading a book that had… Continue reading Why Similar Ideas Shouldn’t Deter Your Writing Journey

Writing Tips

A Sneak Peek of the Free Writing Classes I’m Teaching This Spring

I’m teaching two free, virtual writing classes this month! I know how signing up for an educational event can feel daunting…or just plain time consuming. Which is why I thought I’d give you all a sneak peek of what’s coming up. That way, you can make a more informed decision on if the content is what you’re looking… Continue reading A Sneak Peek of the Free Writing Classes I’m Teaching This Spring

Writing Tips

When Revision Feedback Makes You Think “But I Did Do That!” 

Imagine this: You’ve written an entire novel and found critique partners. Then you get the feedback, and some of the notes confuse the hell out of you because they’re asking you to do things you’ve already done. For example, someone highlights a paragraph of world building and asks you to clarify the different types of… Continue reading When Revision Feedback Makes You Think “But I Did Do That!” 


Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a wonderful year. One of the hardest parts of pursuing traditional publication is not being able to talk about everything you’re going through (until you can), and I hope this year, I finally get to share some news with everyone. Most of all, I wish for good health and more smiles,… Continue reading Happy New Year!


2023: A Whirlwind Year

At the end of every year, I write a reflection post about where I’m at, not just in my writing life, but also in my personal life and how it all correlates.  I’m dubbing 2023 a whirlwind year, because oh boy, was that a lot.  In my writing life, I finished writing a young adult… Continue reading 2023: A Whirlwind Year